Saskia - Earth Scientist, Global Citizen, Enough
Saskia and her dog Pebble © Saskia van Manen, 2016 What kind of work do you do? I am not working at the moment. I was diagnosed with depression early 2016 and have been recovering with support from my family, friends, psychologist, psychiatrist and coach since then. It’s a long road. Especially when depression suffers from a semantics issue: there’s a distinct biological difference between ‘feeling down’, which we all do from time to time and is completely normal, and an actual clinical depression. Fortunately, many people can only identify with normal transient sadness, but this does mean they compare your experience to their own understanding, and subsequently, with the best intentions, tell you that you just need to “pick yourself up” or they suggest all sorts of different diets or supplements purported to be mood enhancing. Meanwhile modern society continues to vilify the use of medicine for diseases such as depression, which has a huge impact on sufferers. Although...